Sunday, May 15, 2016

Flare-ups, Episodes, and Crashes

Chronic fatigue tends to go in cycles. You get "better" for a while, try to live normally, maybe forget you're sick for a little while, push yourself too hard, maybe catch a cold, something stressful happens, annnnnd.... you're back to bed for months. It's different for everyone I'm sure.
  I tend to get worse when the weather changes, either too hot or too little sunshine and I hit the deck. When I'm sick I know what to do, drink lots of fluids, drastically cut my sugar intake, queue up new shows on netflix. But when I'm "better"? No idea. I know that if I push myself too far too fast I'll be right back in bed, but I'm so dang ansty. I want to go hiking. I want to rummage at the flee markets. I want to WORK. I'm done watching tv all day and playing video games when I have the mental energy to focus. I want to go OUT.

Right now I'm on my last few days of an extended medical leave. I haven't been able to work consistently since December. The hardest part for me is the guessing. "Am I better enough to go back to work?" "Should I stay home and rest?" It's always a gamble. If I guess wrong and try to push through I could end up making myself worse, and having to stay home for another week.

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